Thursday, 23 October 2008

SeLf eVaLuAtIoN

ATTAINMENT: 2 - cause i think my level of work has been quite good,and my presentation for independant study was also good.

EFFORT: 2 - i put it quite a lot of effort as i patiipate in class but i dont htink i should get a 1 because i dont always hand my homework in on time

PUNCTUALITY: 1 (mr bush's lessons) - always on time and always in lesson

SUBMISSION AND QUALITY OF WORK: 3 - i dont always hand in my work on time and its not always to the highest standard

ABILITY TO WORK INDEPENDANTLY: 1 - my progress for my indpendant study shows that im able to work very well independantly

QUALITY OF WRITING: 2 - the analysis etc for my med 5 work shows that the quality of written work is good.

ORGANISATION OF MEDIA FOLDER: 2 - i have everything i order with dividers etc

ORAL CONTRIBUTION: 2 - always have something to say in class

STANDARD OF MED 5 BLOG: 2 - i havent copied and pasted everything onto the blog yet because ive been having a few technical problems but mr bush has seen all my work on microsoft and has said its good, ill try to copy and paste everything onto the blog again

STANDARD OF MED6 BLOG: 4 - its hardly got anything on it

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